What Not to Wear to an Interview 1

We all try and put our best foot forward for an interview. But could you be guilty of one of these fashion faux pas?

  1. Chewing gum during the interview. You thought you could hold it to the side or hide it under your tongue. But once you get comfortable you find you are back to chewing.
  2. Wearing your sunglasses on top of your head. It’s okay to be cool – but save that for your friends.
  3. Blouses or skirts WAY too short. Even business casual has its standards. Especially for an interview, play it safe. Be conservative in hem lengths, style and color. If you have to ask whether an outfit is appropriate to wear, it probably isn’t.
  4. Wearing an outfit with stains, wrinkles or missing buttons. We recommend you review your outfit the night before for those subtle hints that say you are not number one.
  5. Showing your piggies. While a pretty pink pedicure is eye catching, it’s best to wear closed toed shoes for an interview. It shows you are put together from head to toe. Once you get the job, you can determine if it is appropriate to let the piggies out.
  6. Facial piercings, multiple piercings or tattoos. It’s best to take them out and cover them up.
  7. Long fingernails with bright colors. Many positions require the use of a PC. Long fingernails “may” give the impression that you won’t be able to keep up.
  8. You’ve checked out your outfit, but have you checked out your shoes? Scuffed shoes say you may not take care of the details. Taking care of the small things can make quite an impression.
  9. Save the fishnet stockings for the evening. It’s best to create an impression that your attention is focused on work and not on the evening’s social plans. So be conservative in your choice of hosiery.
  10. Clothing that is too tight. Many of us need to lose ten pounds. So in case you haven’t, be certain you have clothes that fit. You will look more presentable and you’ll feel more comfortable.

1 Paraphrased from Careerbuilder.com

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